Do you want to know what The #1 Question Doctors Ask Us?
Sure you do! Ok here it goes….
What is the profitability of these procedures?
Offering regenerative treatment options like Platelet Rich Plasma, Shockwave Therapy and Hair Regrowth Protocols, just to name a few, can dramatically affect the profitability of your practice.
Insurance constraints, declining reimbursements and quite frankly a dramatic loss in market share are forcing physicians to look for additional revenue streams just to stay in business. Today, patients are seeking out practitioners who are offering these safe and effective solutions!
You see, regenerative therapies give practitioners not only additional treatment options for their patients, but a way to become more self-sufficient in today’s changing medical marketplace.
Click here to download a recent profitability illustration and see for yourself what adding these procedures to your offering can mean to your bottom line!
You may already own some of the necessary equipment to offer these procedures, but for some reason or another, you are not. Timing, staffing issues, the lack of patients… it could be one or all of the above. Listen, there is no need for shame, and for the record, you’re not alone. We’ve helped tons of practitioners just like you regenerate their practice revenue in just a few short weeks.
So whether you need a refresher in procedure training, updated protocols, support with implementation or staff training, or assistance with marketing to patients, we can definitely help.
It’s easier than you might think! Call or email one of our implementation experts today at 561-408-7248 or